Scala client library for Sight APIs. The Sight API is a text recognition service.
libraryDependencies += "io.github.ashwinbhaskar" %% "sight-client" % "0.1.2"
scalacOptions += "-Ytasty-reader",
libraryDependencies += "io.github.ashwinbhaskar" % "sight-client_3.0.0-RC3" % "0.1.2"
Grap an APIKey from the Sight Dashboard
One Shot: If your files contain a lot of pages then this will take some time as this will return only after all the pages have been processed. Use the function
as shown below.import sight.client.SightClient import sight.Types.APIKey import sight.models.Pages import sight.adt.Error val apiKey: Either[Error, APIKey] = APIKey("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx") val files: Seq[String] = Seq("/user/john.doe/foo.pdf","/user/john.doe/baz/bmp") val result: Either[Error, Pages] = apiKey.flatMap(key => SightClient(key).recognize(files)) /* Helper extension methods to inspect the reesult Note: Extension methods will not work with Scala 2.13.4 and 2.13.5 */ import sight.extensions._ val allTxt: Either[Error, Seq[String]] = val allTxtGt: Either[Error, Seq[String]] =
Stream: You can choose to get pages as and when they are processed. So this returns a LazySequence which can be consumed as a bunch of pages are processed. Use the function
as shown below.import sight.Types.APIKey import sight.models.Page import sight.adt.Error import sight.client.SightClient val apiKey: Either[Error, APIKey] = APIKey("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx") val files = Seq("/user/john.doe/foo.pdf","/user/john.doe/baz/bmp")Downloads/flight-euro.pdf") apiKey match case Right(k) => val result: LazyList[Either[Error, Seq[Page]]] = SightClient(k).recognizeStream(files) result.foreach(println) case Left(error) => println(e)
Here is the official API Documentation