arturopala / make-it-g8   1.28.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

A tool to convert any project into a giter8 template

Scala versions: 2.13

Tool to convert your project into a giter8 template

Maven Central GitHub GitHub code size in bytes


Watch make-it-g8 live demonstration on YouTube.


Creating new giter8 template is easy, but maintaining it later not as much. You have to do all the tedious placeholder replacing job again, and again, both in the content of the files and in the file paths.

The make-it-g8 tool provides both convenient way to create new g8 template, and to update it later multiple times without effort.

What is g8 template?

The giter8 template is an ordinary project having nested src/main/g8 folder where files or paths may contain placeholders, e.g. $name$.

Place it on GitHub and call with the g8 command line tool or sbt new command to spring your own project.

Advantages of using make-it-g8

  • quick template creation with proper escaping of $ characters
  • easy template parametrisation with multiple placeholder values
  • derives automatically common placeholder variants: camel, snake, hyphen, package, packaged, etc.
  • generates script to generate an example project and run test on it
  • generates script updating the template after changes were made to the example project (covers full create-change-validate-update cycle)
  • generates with the template usage guide and an example project filetree diagram



Consider installing the tool locally with coursier

cs install --contrib make-it-g8

Run the tool locally in an interactive mode

Run after installation using:


or launch using coursier:

cs launch com.github.arturopala:make-it-g8_2.13:1.28.0 -- --interactive

or run using local clone of the repository:

chmod u+x
./ --interactive

Run the tool locally in a scripted mode

Run after installation using:

make-it-g8 -- --no-interactive --source {PATH} [--target {PATH}] [--name {STRING}] [--package {STRING}] [--description {STRINGURLENCODED}] [-K key=patternUrlEncoded]

or launch using coursier:

cs launch com.github.arturopala:make-it-g8_2.13:1.28.0 -- --source {PATH} [--target {PATH}] [--name {STRING}] [--package {STRING}] [--description {STRINGURLENCODED}] [-K key=patternUrlEncoded]

or run using local clone of the repository:

chmod u+x
./ --source {PATH} [--target {PATH}] [--name {STRING}] [--package {STRING}] [--description {STRINGURLENCODED}] [-K key=patternUrlEncoded]


-s, --source  <arg>                        Source code path, absolute or
-p, --package  <arg>                       Source code base package name

-c, --clear                                Clear target folder
    --noclear                              Do not clear whole target folder,
                                            only src/main/g8 subfolder
-x, --custom-readme-header-path  <path>    Custom header path
-d, --description  <arg>                   Template description
-f, --force                                Force overwriting target folder
-i, --interactive                          Interactive mode
-Kplaceholder=text [placeholder=text]...   Text chunks to parametrize
-n, --name  <arg>                          Template name
-r, --readme                               Create readme
    --noreadme                             Do not create/update readme
-t, --target  <arg>                        Template target path, absolute or
-h, --help                                 Show help message
-v, --version                              Show version of this program

Use as a library

make-it-g8 is hosted in The Maven Central repository

libraryDependencies += "com.github.arturopala" %% "make-it-g8" % "1.28.0"      

Example template created with make-it-g8



sbt test

Run locally

# run test command

# run test command using latest version on github
./ --source . --target target/test

sbt run

sbt "run --interactive"

sbt run -Dmakeitg8.interactive=true