archived-codacy / play-tomcatcp   4.0.2

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Tomcat JDBC CP Plugin for Play Framework

Scala versions: 2.11

Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool Plugin

Codacy Badge Codacy Badge Circle CI Maven Central

This is a generic plugin supporting version 8.8.19 of Tomcat JDBC CP.


  • PlayFramework 2.4.3
  • PlayFramework 2.4.x
  • PlayFramework 2.5.x
  • PlayFramework 2.6.x


  • Dropwizard 3.2.x
  • Dropwizard 4.0.x



Add the dependency to your build.sbt:

  • "com.codacy" %% "codacy-tomcatcp" % "<latest-version>"


  1. Add the dependency to your build.sbt:
  • "com.codacy" %% "codacy-tomcatcp-play243" % "<latest-version>"


  • "com.codacy" %% "codacy-tomcatcp-play24" % "<latest-version>"


  • "com.codacy" %% "codacy-tomcatcp-play25" % "<latest-version>"


  • "com.codacy" %% "codacy-tomcatcp-play26" % "<latest-version>"
  1. Now add the following lines to your conf/application.conf:
play.modules.disabled += "play.api.db.HikariCPModule"
play.modules.enabled += ""

This will disable Hikari and enable the Tomcat plugin.


  • "com.codacy" %% "codacy-tomcatcp-dropwizard3" % "<latest-version>"


  • "com.codacy" %% "codacy-tomcatcp-dropwizard4" % "<latest-version>"

Custom Options

If you have any problems with the connection validation query, defining a custom validator might help.

For example if you define a validatorClassName as described bellow it will be used instead of the default.

We have com.codacy.tomcatcp.validators.TomcatValidator that uses a timeout to avoid blocking for long times while validating the connection.

Example Configuration:

driver = org.example.Driver
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/exampledb"
username = "example"
password = "example"

tomcatcp {
  testOnBorrow = true
  validationInterval = 5000
  testWhileIdle = false
  validatorClassName = "com.codacy.tomcatcp.validators.TomcatValidator"

  initialSize = 2
  minIdle = 2
  maxActive = 5
  maxIdle = 5

Additional configuration

For detailed descriptions on each option check the Tomcat JDBC CP Configuration page.


The code here is highly inspired by the HikariCP plugin.

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