absaoss / sbt-git-hooks   0.1.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

SBT plugin to sync git hooks as part of the project

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x


License Release

sbt-git-hooks is an sbt plugin for maintaining git hooks as part of your code.

Git hooks originally reside in .git/hooks which is not versioned as part of the code, but it is something you want to share with other contributors to your code. This plugin syncs git hooks from your project folder with the ones in the .git/hooks folder.

Sample files are ignored.

Getting started

In order to add the sbt-git-hooks plugin to your build, add the following line to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("za.co.absa.sbt" % "sbt-git-hooks" % "X.Y.Z")

Then, optionally, in your build.sbt configure the following settings:

overwriteGitHookFiles := true 
gitHookFilesLocation := "project/git_hooks"
  • overwriteGitHookFiles setting allows you to overwrite the files already present in .git/hooks. Defaults to false
  • gitHookFilesLocation setting allows you to set a different folder for source of hook files. This is relative to the project. Defaults to project/git_hooks

Syncing hook files

To run a sync use sbt syncGitHooks.

Checking what files would get synced if any

To check which files would get synced and what would happen run sbt getGitHooksToSync


  • Java 8 or higher
  • sbt 1.3.0 or higher

How to Release

Please see this file for more details.