rolang/sbt-play-evolutions-slick-codegen 0.1.0
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
jvz/sbt-rat 0.7.0
SBT plugin for integrating Apache RAT (release audit tool), an automated license checker and compliance framework.
Scala versions: 2.12 2.10sbt plugins: 1.x 0.13 -
scalapatisserie/sbt-meringue 0.1.0
Validate your app configureation in sbt
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
xuwei-k/mima013 0.1.1
mima plugin for sbt 0.13
Scala versions: 2.12 2.10sbt plugins: 0.13 -
daghemberg/sbt-paut 0.1.10
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
A plugin to build your application using dotty with sbt support Edit Add topics
guardian/sbt-packages-to-directories 0.1.0
sbt plugin to make directories structure correspond to package structure
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
irevive/sbt-twirl-remote-cache 0.1.0
Remote cache support for generated Twirl templates
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
bottech/sbt-gpg 1.0.0
An sbt plugin to sign artifacts using the GNU Privacy Guard.
martijnhoekstra/sbt-sourcedirs 1.0.0
npm-style matchers for scala version dependent sources
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
taig/sbt-houserules 0.9.0
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
dwolla/sbt-cloudformation-stack 1.3.1
SBT plugin for deploying a CloudFormation stack
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
danielnixon/sbt-less 1.1.2
Allows less to be used from within sbt.
Scala versions: 2.10sbt plugins: 0.13 -
kijuky/sbt-yamory 6.1.1
yamory for sbt.
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
woq-blended/sbt-testlogconfig 0.1.0
Logback config generator to log detailed sbt test executions to dedicated files
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
mariussoutier/sbt-simple-avrohugger 0.9.8
Simple sbt Avrohugger plugin
scommons/sbt-scommons-plugin 1.0.0
Common sbt tasks/utils for Scala/Scala.js projects
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
woq-blended/sbt-phoenix 0.1.0
SBT plugin to create nicely structured and easy readable build configurations
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x