A Scala macro for converting a case class into its abstract equivalent. For composing protocols.
A Play module written in Scala for running Spark Jobs through Livy Server.
Functional Scala wrapper for FoundationDB Java client.
Project for Scalatest agent
Scala actors toolkit to solve problems in scalable way using genetic agorithms
Implicit enrichment of scala.util.Either to support monadic bias
Generalized attoparsec with cats
Hive UDFs made easy
Autowire transport library that provides transport over Electron's IPC channel.
Avro Scala helper classes: AvroTuple[1-22]
A monadic design pattern that can be used to construct data processing pipeline. It also provides several monads implemented using Apache Spark.
Refined support for Anorm
WartRemover warts for Slick.
Scala port of ua-parser
Sangria akka-streams integration
Test library for reactivemongo