Custom circe codecs for java time 8 --> migrated to buildo/retro
scala-wrapper for graphite reporter to use with
Translations of data sources into OWL axioms for import into the Phenoscape Knowlegebase.
Get less from your REST! A small scala/play library for filtering and projecting json results from REST calls
Akka Streams Message Hub, an extension to Akka Streams Kafka, is an Akka Streams connector for IBM Message Hub. It is used for publishing and subscribing to Kafka topics as well as managing Message Hub instance.
Simple Scala wrapper for LIRC
forked from org.apache.bahir:flink-connector-redis_2.11:1.0
AvaTax v2 SDK for languages using the JRE
The hyppo data ingestion system worker components
Config2 library
Use Scala's type system to force you to think about timezones
The Collector - Implement your own scala collections, easily
Scala wrapper for typesafeconfig
A lightweight and re-targetable pure abstract API for algebraic concepts
Scala adapter for Kraftwerk
Scalatest extension to test parsers made with Scala Standard Parser Combinator Library
Scala Cloud API