Watches over directory tree for changes
Json/Protobuf convertors for ScalaPB use play-json
easily deserialize case classes from typesafe config
Scala-friendly, fast class-finder library (using ASM under the covers)
Abandoned ScalaPB fork of POGOProtos
Library for injecting Akka Actors with Google Guice
HuaweiCloud DIS Flink Connector
Implementation of (most of) the Phoenix Channels protocol with akka HTTP
Helper library for running blocking IO operations in Spark jobs more efficiently
Simple Catmull Rom algorithm in Scala. Mirror of
Simplistic JMX for Scala.
common-util libraries for SQLClub related projects
Macro PEG: PEG with macro-like rules
JSon serialization of OMG Tool-Interoperability (OTI) Documents.
S3 Coursier Plugin for use with Pants
Create slick table classes from case classes representing your rows