One-off Scala utilities and tools.
❌ This is no longer maintained. ❌ Let-it-crash style ZooKeeper client based on Akka actor
Scala.js facade around
Scala client for fetching zip file metadata from remote source without downloading the entire file
A high performance replicated log service. (The development is moved to Apache Incubator)
scala-native bindings for libyaml
Simple helper to implement custom slf4j loggers (DISCONTINUED)
ScalaTest extensions
Play Framework (Scala and Play 2.x) module that provides reactive (non-blocking) integration with Google ReCaptcha.
The ultimate solution to control flow of Akka actors
Software Specifications for Scala
Simple pluggable logging library for Scala
Html Content / Article Extractor in Scala - open sourced from Gravity Labs
Better Kamon metrics for Spray services