DSL Platform - Obsesive-Compulsive Testing
Macro PEG: PEG with macro-like rules
JSon serialization of OMG Tool-Interoperability (OTI) Documents.
S3 Coursier Plugin for use with Pants
Library for representing and working with sets of genomic-sequencing reads, e.g. BAM files.
scala request json library
Automatic derivation of empty instances of types
A JValue extractor for lift-json based on Scala reflection
Create slick table classes from case classes representing your rows
Handy classes for instrumented request tracing
Backport of http4s-argonaut to argonaut-6.1
Akka Streams Message Hub, an extension to Akka Streams Kafka, is an Akka Streams connector for IBM Message Hub. It is used for publishing and subscribing to Kafka topics as well as managing Message Hub instance.
Scala case class builder design pattern using Miles Sabin's shapeless library