A tiny library to encode DynamoDb "AST"
An opinionated wrapper for the RabbitMQ Java client, in Scala.
Scala and Play Framework macros
Benchmarking suite for Apache Spark DFSIO
A library that converts between nested DataSets and flatten DataFrames
Library to provide a Play filter implementation for encryption and session cookies for use with play-async
A simple vector maths library for graphics programming.
Service discovery for Finagle cluster with Consul.
Database Connection Pool
Scala library for automating JSON Schema generation from data and merging schemas for comprehensive data modeling.
Converts the types from java-scala-util to Scala and vice versa
DSL Platform - Scala client
A Scala Interface to the Battle.net D3 Leaderboards
An iterator-like collection library for doing Bing queries in Scala.
Extract Zip dependencies with SBT
Documentation generation toolkit
Debug selenium project without leave application context.