Extension to jackson-module-scala that uses scala-reflect to get type info
An sbt plugin for launching and scheduling Oozie applications.
Helper to create enums out of a 'sealed trait' and some 'case object's
A fork of the default Play logback logger that can be used when AspectJ weaving is enabled.
Simulates a Datadog agent. Useful for tests.
Safe and performant null handling for Scala
Scala Cloudant client for Spray/Akka
Hulk is a web framework to create RESTful API's.
Prometheus instrumentation library for Scala applications
Parser for tunes written in ABC Notation
DSL Platform - Scala client
A library that converts between nested DataSets and flatten DataFrames
Service discovery for Finagle cluster with Consul.
Database Connection Pool
A tiny library to encode DynamoDb "AST"
An opinionated wrapper for the RabbitMQ Java client, in Scala.
An async SSH client