Fun I/O provides functional programming patterns and high level abstractions for simple and reusable synchronous I/O.
A frontend service which provides help pages
Standalone fluentd server for Java/Scala
The Comment Parser supports various languages based on FSM. It's written by scala and java.
Probabilistic Neural Programming
Akka Project
Compact in-memory multimap
geographical name normalization (a.k.a. toponym resolution)
A collection of scala macros for experimentation.
A Scala wrapper around Apache Curator to make it non-blocking and Scala friendly
Helpers for scheduling jobs from Play! on the Tax Platform
Backport of various things from shapeless 2.3 to shapeless 2.2
Tiny logging API for use by the Scala.js linker and JS envs.
Scala Msgpack-RPC Implementation
Metrics management architecture with associated metric client implementations