taking scala to the zoo
An integration layer between Scala and JRuby
Sparse feature extraction with Spark
Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
A Scala interface to the Java StringTemplate library
An extension to the amazing Spark framework for better functional programming.
Extractors whose input is a chunked sentence. Includes Relnoun, Nesty, and a scala interface for ReVerb.
Scala wrapper around Digital Ocean's API, version 2
A sbt plugin that adds scala-notebook capabilities to sbt projects
a Scala/sbt AWS Lambda Toolkit
Use JavaCPP and JavaCPP presets with ease. Base plugin for JavaCPP-related projects.
sbt plugin to deploy code to AWS Serverless Architecture
A library for macro based serializers to many different formats
Gust is a set of GPU extensions for Breeze.
show message when sbt build files changed
Yet another MessagePack implementation for Scala
EmbeddedMongo connection helper for Specs2 tests suites
Apache Spark OpenCPU Executor (ROSE)
Library that provides those stupid little IO utility methods you always end up needing.
A scala-ified fluent wrapper for selenium