Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
- #2211 - [BUG] Error in PySpark tests
- #2210 - [BUG] Test are breaking for restricted access to the MIND blob
- #2205 - [FEATURE] Add embeding ranker in PyTorch
- #2198 - [BUG] Direct use of `numba.cuda.gpus` lead to error that module `numba` has no attribute `cuda`
- #2194 - [BUG] SVAE problems with TypeError: You are passing KerasTensor
- #2186 - [FEATURE] Replace the FastAI notebook by a cartesian product with PyTorch and remove the FastAI dependency
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YTsaurus is a scalable and fault-tolerant open-source big data platform.
- #1098 - Creating nodes with `acl` attribute requires `administer` permission in parent directory
- #1097 - Graceful forced compaction for big tables
- #1090 - Add arm64 sources to opensource
- #1089 - Transparent turn groups of columns into hunk chunks
- #1087 - Support multiple jobs per input data chunk in MapReduce operations
- #1083 - AlterQuery resets access control for a query to `[]`
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A functional web application framework
- #14 - Create a user guide
- #13 - Add more complex demos
- #10 - Figure out how to force scaladoc to display `rendering.implicits`
- #9 - Installation section in README
- #8 - Routing middleware
- #7 - Compression middleware
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swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
- #12524 - [JAVA] [Feign] Add support for Feign 13
- #12520 - V3 fails to create concrete implementations of "Any-Interface" in Java
- #12519 - Date format in the description
- #12516 - Incorrect Import Statement for Resource Class in Generated Code with Swagger Codegen v3.0.46
- #12515 - Swagger generation issue with @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)
- #12512 - Ralf P Carreon
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The Pants Build System
- #21990 - Pants 2.24 - IntrinsicError: Not a directory (os error 20)
- #21985 - replace bootstrap scheduler with a narrower scope scheduler
- #21984 - Investigate alternate allocators
- #21982 - stabilize `experimental_test_shell_command` as `test_shell_command`
- #21981 - `experimental_test_shell_command` should support capture of outputs (test reports, coverage, etc.)
- #21979 - pex: --preserve-pip-download-log
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Reactor Bill Of Materials (tracking reactor-core, reactor-netty and more)
- #731 - Consider enabling discussions tab on GitHub
- #730 - Did we have some tools like Java-profilers for perfomance or cost analyzing?
- #720 - No dependency management for `reactor-tools` with classifier `original`
- #707 - Reproducible Builds
- #701 - Use Spotless plugin to enforce and update copyright headers
- #700 - Use Spotless plugin to help enforce basic formatting / license
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Stripe Android SDK
- #10178 - [BUG] java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 9 out of bounds for length 9
- #10164 - [QUESTION] Make totalPriceStatus customizable in GooglePayPaymentMethodLauncherContractV2.Args
- #10024 - [BUG] RTL Card Number Input Display Bug
- #9781 - [BUG] Android SDK PaymentSheet Unable To Proceed Adding of Card
- #9711 - [BUG] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider androidx.startup.InitializationProvider at SDK update to version 20.53.0
- #9659 - [BUG] 3ds window not opening on Android when using payment intent
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
An Open Standard for lineage metadata collection
- #3514 - [BUG] Iceberg metrics are not collected for RestCatalog
- #3505 - [BUG]Spark - Vulnerable version of netty-common and netty handler present in openlineage-spark_2.12 Β» 1.28.0
- #3500 - [PROPOSAL] Tags for dbt Integration
- #3484 - [BUG] Incorrect QUERY value on BigQuery input table
- #3476 - [DOCUMENTATION] Change the way release notes are added to docs
- #3472 - [DOCUMENTATION] website deployment documentation is out of date
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Nessie: Transactional Catalog for Data Lakes with Git-like semantics
- #10423 - [Bug]: Nessie Merge from develop branch to main branch failed due to timeout issue
- #10416 - [Feature]: Allow `/trees/ref` to accept any valid ref
- #10415 - Catalog: Error out on deprecated table/view/namespace properties
- #10363 - [Bug]: Nessie Iceberg `loadTable` should not send `py-io-impl` as part of the config
- #10359 - [Feature]: Support S3 endpoint with no prefix (http/https)
- #10236 - Support Iceberg's new `TimestampNanoType`
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
- #20732 - [BUG][TypeScript] Angular Client results in TS4115 missing override
- #20731 - [BUG] getting a `Failed to read _auth from ~/.npmrc` with Node v20
- #20728 - [REQ] cpp-qt-client - in the HttpHelper execute method please keep the request (m_request_content = "") and provide a getter for the request object.
- #20727 - [BUG][Java] Microprofile missing cookie param support leads to invalid code
- #20726 - [BUG][TypeScript] angular modelSuffix nested model bad import
- #20725 - [REQ][java] Share common fields between Discriminator fields
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Cucumber for the JVM
- #2962 - Consider changing Java baseline to 17
- #2961 - @Singleton instances are broken in parallel execution
- #2947 - Support attaching files to open test reports
- #2934 - Use of BeforeAll/AfterAll in Kotlin-based Cucumber suite does not work as expected
- #2933 - Scan UuidGenerator implementations without starting them
- #2917 - Ability to name the hooks in Java
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Offers a `Refreshable` type that operates like a cache of size 1 with a background fiber that periodically refreshes the stored value
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Allure integrations for Java test frameworks
- #1150 - π: ITestListener of TestNG caused the Allure does not display test's steps at all, but custom ones only.
- #1147 - π: [Allure-JUnit5] Reappearance of unexpected logs in terminal for Junit 5 parameterized tests
- #1143 - π: Allure Report Displays Multiple Scenarios for Karate callonce & call Invocation
- #1142 - π: Allure methods are not working in Testng before methods
- #1139 - π: [Junit5] steps and attachments in @BeforeAll method aren't in the Allure report
- #1136 - π: [RestAssured]: AttachmentRender Could't render http attachment file
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
An extensible multilanguage static code analyzer.
- #5540 - [java] ExhaustiveSwitchHasDefault should not apply to classic switch statements
- #5525 - Adding the Rule-Priority into the Sarif-Report under the level-property
- #5522 - [plsql] Parse error for operator in TRIM function call
- #5521 - [plsql] long parse time / parse error
- #5515 - java - ERROR net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.CpdAnalysis - Skipping file: Lexical error in file .... After upgrade from 6.46 to 7.10.0
- #5514 - [java] `ExhaustiveSwitchHasDefault` fails for non-exhaustive switch statements
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Java library for sending telemetry data to New Relic
- #320 - Infinite retries on 413 http error
- #314 - Cannot include both dependencies `telemetry-http-okhttp` and `telemetry-core` in `build.gradle`
- #312 - Update release action to use Node 16
- #299 - No exception thrown when Refusing to schedule a batch in Limiting Scheduler, only warning is logged, causing data loss.
- #298 - Impossible to provide executor for scheduler for TelemetryClient
- #287 - Not handled error response codes by BatchDataSender
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Non-Blocking Reactive Foundation for the JVM
- #3963 - Streams shared via Flux.publish() replay elements emitted while there are no attached subscribers
- #3954 - FluxPublishOn to detach itself after further requests
- #3929 - Mistake
- #3925 - Pull Request Policy
- #3917 - FluxZip fails to deliver error from concurrently running sources
- #3805 - autoConnect(0) seems to be broken - late subscribers receive data
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
An open-source data logging library for machine learning models and data pipelines. π Provides visibility into data quality & model performance over time. π‘οΈ Supports privacy-preserving data collection, ensuring safety & robustness. π
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct